When to start planting vegetables?

When to start planting vegetables? 04.03.2017

As soon as the ground dries out, feel free to start preparing beds for sowing seeds vegetable crops. Do not dig in the autumn of sites dug with simultaneous application of compost, superphosphate and ashes. planting time depends on the humidity and temperature of the soil and seed quality.

Spread the vegetables in the garden is better in the following order:

• sow green culture in the first half of April - Chinese cabbage, fennel, mustard greens, lettuce, and radishes, peas, beans. After they are sown the seeds of cold-resistant crops: carrots, onions, Nigella, parsley, parsnip. They grow even at 3-5 degrees Celsius. Repeated sowings of lettuce, fennel, radish extend their use (can be sown until 20 June);

• germ potatoes are planted when the soil warms up to 6-8 degrees Celsius at a depth of 10 cm. This usually occurs in mid-April. In the same period, and can be sown the seeds of tomatoes in the ground. Beets, corn sown, and onion-turnip planted when the ground warms up 7-100S;

• thermophilic cucumbers, beans, watermelons, pumpkins, corn, wait until May - the earth has to warm up to 11-13 degrees. If grown seedlings of early cabbage and cauliflower have 5-6 leaves and passed hardening, it is planted in late April in the open ground.

What then planted?

Years of experience shows that beetroot and carrots grow well after the cucumbers, cabbage, early potatoes, zucchini and squash. A cucumber is better to plant after the peas, beans, cabbage, tomatoes. Cabbage is a good feeling in the garden, where before it was grown onions.

choose neighbors

Plants, like people, do not always coexist peacefully with their neighbors. Therefore, placing the vegetables in your garden, you must take into account that, for example, tomatoes and potatoes are suffering from common diseases and SHKID-nicks, so it is necessary to put them as far as possible from each other. But next to the onion and garlic, they will feel good. Normally they are used, and cabbage. And cucumbers just did cry from the bow. Desired neighbor for all vegetable crops dill, because it attracts beneficial insects that destroy many pests.

When come?

Peas first descends - in 6 days after sowing. After a day or two - corn, cucumbers, beans, radish. For 10 days sprout sprouts, beets and sorrel. Eggplant, onion, zucchini, carrots and rhubarb can be expected after 2 weeks. A longer lying on the ground dill, parsley, parsnip and pepper - to 16 days.
